MONSTER 3D Drivers 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. 4435 Fortran Drive San Jose, CA 95134 IMPORTANT INFORMATION THE NATURE OF THIS ALPHA RELEASE UNSUPPORTED FEATURES KNOWN PROBLEMS & RESTRICTIONS BUGS FIXED IN THIS RELEASE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS USING THE DRIVER CREATING A 3DFXGL APPLICATION WITH MSVC 4.X DISCUSSION GROUP BUGS Important Information The Nature of This Alpha Release 3Dfxgl is a 3-D graphics library with an API which is very similar to that of OpenGL(1. It was developed entirely by 3Dfx Interactive based on freely available information about the OpenGL state machine and interfaces. This release is intended to give developers an early opportunity to gain experience with this API on 3Dfx Interactive hardware. It is important to keep in mind that this is an ALPHA release. Not all features are supported; features supported may not offer complete functionality. No attempt has been made to run any conformance tests. Furthermore, please note that performance optimizations are incomplete; no inferences should be drawn about the fundamental capability of 3Dfx Interactive hardware based on the behavior of applications executed with this library. Unsupported Features * Polygon/Line Stipple: enabling GL_LINE_STIPPLE or GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE will be treated as a no-op. * Texture Coordinate Generation: glTexGen*() functions are stubbed out. Applications depending on this functionality will most likely fail. * Texture Subimage Functions: gkTexSubImage*(), glCopyTexImage*(), and glCopyTexSubimage() functions are stubbed out. Applications depending on this functionality will most likely fail. * Evaluators: glEvalCoord*() functions are stubbed out. Applications depending on this functionality will most likely fail. * Stencil Buffer: enabling GL_STENCIL_TEST will be treated as a no-op. * Pixel Transfer Functions: glReadPixels() and glDrawPixels() are not implemented. The behavior of applications depending on these functions is unpredictable. Known Problems & Restrictions * Under Windows(2 95, the sample applications may fail to set the pass through mode correctly. In general, any console application (i.e. not utilizing a Windows event loop) is susceptible to this problem. The workaround is to manually toggle the pass through mode via CTRL-F9. * Textures in some programs (e.g. steam) are rendered incorrectly. * Resizing a window so that the client area becomes zero or iconifying the window causes a DirectDraw error. * A banner appears in the lower right hand corner of the screen when a 3Dfxgl application is running to signify that this is an Alpha release. This banner may not be suppressed. Bugs Fixed in this release * Texture caching does not fragment memory * Texture names > 512 work correctly * wglGetPixelDescription() now returns correct data * Line and polygon stipple implemented * Flashing line at the top of screen during quake fixed System Requirements * Pentium(3 Class PC or higher * Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 Operating System * 3Dfx Interactive Voodoo Graphics-based 3D Accelerator (second monitor required) žorž * 3Dfx Interactive Voodoo Rush based 2D/3D Accelerator * 3Dfx Interactive Glide Version 2.3 or later * Microsoft OpenGL must be installed to supply needed library files. This is the default on Windows NT, but only on some Windows 95 systems. To verify that OpenGL is installed on a Windows 95 system, check for the existence of the file named \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\GLU32.DLL. OpenGL for Windows 95 can be downloaded from the Microsoft web site from For further information read the Knowledge Base article Q124556. Using the Driver The name of the 3Dfxgl alpha driver is OpenGL32.DLL. IMPORTANT: this driver should only be copied to a user directory containing an executable to be evaluated. Under no circumstances should this driver be copied to any system directory, including \WINDOWS\SYSTEM under Windows 95 or \WINNT\SYSTEM32 under Windows NT. Similarly, do not put any directory containing OpenGL32.DLL into your path. To use this driver, copy it into the same directory as the application executable (.EXE). For example: C:\> COPY \3dfx\3Dfxgl\opengl32.dll \games\glquake\ Creating a 3Dfxgl Application with MSVC 4.x Here is a quick, easy, step-by-step example of how to build and run a sample 3Dfxgl application with Microsoft( Visual C++ Version 4. Create a new project in Microsoft( Developer Studio 1. select File | New... from the main menu 2. select Project Workspace from the New dialog 3. select Application in New Project Workspace dialog and complete the Name and Location edit controls 4. click on the Create button Add the file square.c to the project. This file is included with the alpha distribution. 1. copy square.c from your 3Dfxgl installation directory into the project directory 2. select Insert | Files into Project... 3. select square.c from the file list Add the file opengl32.lib to the list of included library modules. 1. select Build | Settings 2. select the Link tab in the tabbed dialog box 3. add opengl32.lib to the list of files in the edit control labeled Object/library modules: Build the program. 1. select Build | Rebuild All Copy over the 3Dfx driver. 1. e.g. C:>COPY \install\fxogl\opengl32.dll \projects\square\debug Run the program. 1. select Build | Debug | Go Discussion Group 3Dfx encourages developers to express their opinions, wish lists, and comments. Please join in an open discussion of issues pertaining to OpenGL at: news:// For more information on OpenGL, please visit the OpenGL WWW Center at: Bugs Please send bug reports to: 1 OpenGL is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. 2 Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation 3 Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation 3Dfxgl Release Notes Copyright ( 1997 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. 1 Printed 07/23/97 The 3Dfx Interactive logos, Voodoo Graphics and Voodoo Rush are trademarks of 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Copyright ( 1997 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. Printed 07/23/97 Copyright ( 1997 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. 4 Printed 07/23/97